

Unit Specifications

Given below is the list of the units specifications for MeasureSafe 36B.

Operating Voltage 85-265Vac 50-60Hz
Reported mains voltage accuracy +-0.1%  +-0.5Vac
Tripping Current Accuracy +-0.1mA ac
Trip Time Accuracy 0-400mS +-100uS
Testing Slope Selection Selectable 0,90,180,270 degrees and random on AS3003 tests
Results storage Up to 4096 stored results
Test Current Range 0-50mAac
Internal Fuse 2A
Display 2 line x 16 character high visibility OLED display
Operational Temperature Range 0-60C
Dimensions 140 x 123 x 40 mm
Weight 275grams (Unit only IEC lead will add further weight)
RCD Type Selection
  • Type I – 10mA
  • Type I – AS3003 – 10.5mA
  • Type II – 30mA
  • AFCI   - 30mA Testing curent
  • Type Custom selectable 1-50mA
  • Type A DC leakage test
Dimensions 140 x 123 x 40 mm
Result Downloads The results can be downloaded using the simple free M36 Reporter via the USB port and save in various formats
Power Inlet socket Industry Standard IEC socket
Approvals EMC compliance
Service & Calibration By authorised facilities only
Fault reporting
  • Incorrect mains wiring
  • No earth connection
Calibration period 12 months
Warranty Limited Life time warranty see download section for warranty details.